向前一步:第224期 为平等而不懈努力(3)(在线收听

 Of course, many men take big jobs when their wives are weeks away from giving birth, and no one raises it as an issue, 当然,很多男人在自己妻子休产假时会被委以重任,没人觉得这是多重要的问题。

but Marissa's condition quickly became headline news. 然而,迈耶很快就成了头条新闻,
She was heralded as the first pregnant CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Feminists cheered. 她被媒体称作“财富500强企业里第一位怀孕的首席执行官”。女权主义者为此欢呼。
Then Marissa let it be known: "My maternity leave will be a few weeks long, and I'll work throughout it." 随后,迈耶宣布:“我会休两个星期的产假,这期间我也不会中断工作。”
Many feminists stopped cheering. 于是,许多女权主义者停止了欢呼。
Since taking such a short leave is not feasible or desirable for everyone, 不是每个人都会休这么短的产假,也不是每个人都愿意这么做。
they argued that Marissa was hurting the cause by setting up unreasonable expectations. 她们认为迈耶的做法会给女性提出不合理的期望,这对女权主义事业是一种损害。
So was this one giant leap forward for womankind and one baby step back? Of course not. 那么,对女性来说,这算不算一种打了折扣的进步?当然不是。
Marissa became the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company ...while pregnant. 玛丽萨·迈耶成了财富500强企业中最年轻的首席执行官,而且是在怀孕期间被任命的。
She decided how she wanted to manage her career and family and never claimed that her choice should apply to anyone else. 她已经想好怎么处理事业和家庭的关系,而且从没说过自己的做法适用于每位女性。
If she had cut Yahoo's maternity leave to two weeks for all employees, then concern would have been in order. 如果她要求雅虎的每个员工都只休两个星期的产假,那么人们的担心肯定是有道理的。
She did not do this, but she was still roundly criticized. 尽管她没这么做,但还是招来了批评声,
Even a European cabinet member weighed in. 甚至一个欧洲内阁成员也加入了争论。
Like any individual, Marissa knows best what she is capable of given her particular circumstances. 和任何人一样,迈耶心里最清楚自己是否有能力处理她的特殊情况。
And as journalist Kara Swisher also noted, Marissa "has a husband who can actually take care of the child, and no one seems to remember that." 正如记者卡拉·斯威舍所说,迈耶“有一个能真正照顾好孩子的丈夫,但好像没人注意到这一点”。