
 Charlotte. 夏洛特

I'm glad you're here. 你能来真是太好了
Listen, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. 昨天的事我很抱歉
It's fine. Let's just enjoy dinner, shall we? 没关系  让我们享受晚餐  忘了那事吧
Your meetings must have went well. Yeah. 你的会议肯定很顺利吧  是的
I waited for you at the house, but I didn't want to be late. 我在家等了很久  但我不想迟到
Well, you know what the traffic's like 你知道市里的交通
getting out of the city. 车水马龙
So... was Margaux interested? 玛尔戈感兴趣吗
She made an offer. I told her I'd sleep on it. 她出了价  我说要考虑一晚上
A job with a monthly publication? 出月刊的工作吗
I thought you'd want a little stability. 我以为你想要稳定一点
Just worry about yourself right now, okay? 现在你先担心自己吧
Oh, yeah, yeah. Echoing the universal sentiment 是啊  响应大众的观点
that Huntington's should occupy 100% of my thoughts. 亨廷顿氏症应该占据我思想的全部
Or maybe it's just that it's everyone's eloquent way 或者这只是大家为了不想听我意见
of not having to heed my opinions. 找的冠冕堂皇的理由
Well, I'd like to know how you're feeling, dad. 我愿意听你的意见  爸爸
Pretty much the same, sweetheart. Thank you. 实在没啥区别  亲爱的  还是谢谢你
Any idea why your mother 有谁知道你们母亲
has called this de facto family summit? 为何举办这个家庭聚会吗
To introduce you to someone special. 向你们介绍特别嘉宾