
 Daniel. I thought you'd be at work. 丹尼尔  你不是在工作吗

Where were you yesterday? 你昨晚去哪里了
What do you mean? I told you, I stayed in the city. 什么意思  我不是跟你说了在城里吗
Yeah,what were you doing there? - Why? 在城里干什么  -怎么了
Because I think you're keeping things from me, that's why. 因为我觉得你有事瞒着我
Is it true you bought Nolan his house? 诺兰的房子是你买的吗
Yeah. 对
Nolan's my friend, and he needed my help. 诺兰是我的朋友  我帮了他
I didn't tell you because... he was ashamed. 我没告诉你是因为他觉得不好意思
So you gave him a $10 million loan? 所以你就借给了他一千万吗
Wow, we set a date, 定完婚期后 
and suddenly you care how I spend my time, my money. 要汇报我花钱的地方和行踪吗
What's next, Daniel, who I talk to? 接下来呢  汇报跟谁说过话
Maybe. When was the last time you saw Aiden? 也许吧  你上次见艾登是什么时候
What? 什么
My mother said you were seeing him behind my back, 我妈说你背着我  在跟他见面
even after we got engaged. 订婚之后也还在继续
And who gave her that idea? 谁跟她说的
Does it matter? I'm telling you, right now 这重要吗  艾米莉我跟你说
I am not going down this 我真的不想跟你
path again with you, Emily. - And we won't. 再吵一遍这事  -不会的
What I had with Aiden was fleeting and long before us, 我跟艾登的感情很短暂而且过去很久了
but, obviously, facts are irrelevant to your mother. 可是你母亲似乎根本不在意事实
She was right about the house. - Okay, I'm sorry. 房子的事她说对了  -对不起
I should have told you about that. 我本该告诉你的
Look... we both know her goal is to blow us apart. 你也知道的  她就是想拆散我们