
 He's on the verge of turning himself in, 他就快要说出真相

thanks to you. 多亏了你的帮助
when you told Charlotte the truth, 因为你告诉了夏洛特真相
you set things in motion, so... 你让事情走入了正轨  所以...
But you're the one who told me to talk to Charlotte. 但是你让我把真相告诉夏洛特的
Is that how you work? 这就是你的手段吗
You manipulate what you know of people to get what you want? 利用手上的信息操控别人  达到自己的目的
I would never do that to you, Jack, 我不会这么对你的  杰克
or to my sister. 也不会这样对我妹妹
I care about you. 我很关心你
Charlotte's the only family I have. 夏洛特是我唯一的亲人了
Which is why I appreciated you telling her the truth... 所以我很感激你把真相告诉了她
Taking her in, caring for her... 收留她  照顾她
All the things that I wish I could do, but I can't. 那些本应是我该做的  但我不能
Not right now, not the way I want to. 起码现在不行  现在的情况也不允许
Margaux. 玛尔戈
Sorry to interrupt. 抱歉打扰你们了
- Everything okay? - I need a drink... -没事吧  -我得喝上一杯
and a friend. 还需要个朋友