
 You must be happy. 你一定很高兴

Your father's misdiagnosis means you're in the clear, too. 你父亲是被误诊  你也不会遗传那种病了
We're gonna have one of those in a few weeks. 再过几周  就是我们的婚礼了
You sure you want it? 你确定你想嫁给我吗
You questioned the type of man I am 你在报纸上  还当着我的面
in print... and to my face. 公开质疑我的人品
Sorry I questioned you. 对不起我质疑你了
If I had a family, 但如果我有家庭
I'd do anything to protect them. 我也会不顾一切去保护他们
Daniel, I want nothing more than to marry you. 丹尼尔  我真的很想嫁给你
Why? 为什么
I don't think you ever told me why. 你从来没有告诉过我原因
Because I love you. 因为我爱你
Now come on. Let's go home. 走吧  我们回家吧
I'm gonna stay at the Southfork again, okay? 我还是先住在南方酒店吧
- Daniel. - See you tomorrow. -丹尼尔  -明天见