
  Can I help you? 我有什么可以帮你吗

 Are you Emma.Swan? 你是艾玛斯旺吗
 Yeah. 是的
 Who are you? 你是谁
 My name's Henry. 我叫亨利
 I'm your son. 你的儿子
 Hey, kid, kid, kid! 小孩,小孩,停下
 I don't have a son. 我没有儿子
 Where are your parents? 你父母在哪里
 Ten years ago, did you give up a baby for adoption? 十年前,你是否把自己的孩子送给别人领养
 That was me. 那就是我
 Give me a minute. 等我一会儿
 Hey, you have any juice? 你有果汁吗
 Never mind. 没关系
 Found some. 找到了
 You know, we should probably get going. 也许我们该出发了
 Going where? 去哪里
 I want you to come home with me. 我想你和我一起回家
 Okay, kid. 好了,小孩
 I'm call the cops. 我要打电话报警了
 Then I'll tell you kidnapped me. 然后我会说是你绑架了我
 And they'll believe you, because I'm your birth mother. 他们会信以为真,因为我是你的生母
 Yep. 是的
 You're not going to do that. 你不会那样做的
 Try me. 试试吧
 You're pretty good, but here's the thing. 你装的很像,但是我要告诉你
 There's not a lot I'm great at in life, but I have one skill. 我这辈子没什么特长
 Let's  call it a superpower, I can tell when anyone is lying, and you, kid,are. 但是有一种能力,暂且称之为超能力,我可以看出谁在说谎,而你,就在说谎
 Wait. 等等
 Please don't call the cops. 请不要叫警察
 Please. 求你了
 Come home with me. 和我一起回家
 Where's your home? 你的家在哪里
 Storybrooke, Maine. 缅因州的童话镇
 Storybrooke? 童话镇?
 Seriously? 你说笑吧
 All righty then. 那好吧
 Let's get you back to storybrooke. 送你回童话镇