
  What's wrong? 怎么了

 Nothing. 没什么
 You're thinking about what the queen said again, aren't you? 你又在想王后的话了,对吧
 Snow, please. 白雪公主
 I can't keep having this conversation. 拜托,我不想老生常谈
 You have to let it go. 顺其自然
 We're about to have a baby. 我们的孩子就要生了
 I haven't had a restful night since our wedding. 自从婚礼以来,我就没睡个安稳觉
 That's what she wants, to get in your head, but they're only words. 这就是她想法,让你心烦意乱,她只是说说而已
 She can't hurt us. 她伤害不了我们的
 She poisoned an apple, because she thought I was prettier than her. 她曾经因为我比她漂亮,而做出了毒苹果给我吃
 You have no idea of what she's capable. 你不知道她都能干出什么坏事
 What can I do to ease your mind? 怎样才可以缓解你的忧虑
 Let me talk to him. 让我和他谈谈
 Him? 他
 You don't mean ?I do. 你是说…对
 No. no, no. It's too dangerous. 不行,太危险了
 He sees the future. 他能预知未来
 There's a reason he's locked. 他不是无缘无故被关起来的
 Can you promise me that our child will be safe? 你能保证我们的孩子会安全吗
 Can you guarantee it? 你能保证万无一失吗
 Because he can. 而他可以
 All right. 好吧
 For our child. 为了我们的孩子