
  I want a good life. 我想过上富足的生活

 Fine. 可以
 You 'll have an estate, be rich. 你将会拥有一笔财产 变得富有
 I was not finished. there's more. 我还没说完呢 还有别的呢
 There always is with you. 你总是不满足
 Yeah. 当然
 In this new land, should I ever come to you for any reason, you must heed my every request. 在新的世界里 如果我以任何理由来找你的话 你必须满足我的一切要求
 You must do whatever I say, so long as I say ... Please. 只要我下达指示 你就必须遵命行事 拜托
 You do realize that should I succeed, you will not remember any of this? 你清楚一旦我成功 你就会忘记前尘吧
 Oh, well, then ... what's the harm? 反正又没什么损失 
 Deal. 成交
 What must I do to enact this curse? 我要怎么做才能实施诅咒呢
 You need to sacrifice a heart. 你要用一颗心脏献祭
 I sacrificed my prized steed. 我把我赢来的马牺牲了
 A horse? 只是一匹马
 This is the curse to end all curses. 这是诅咒中的诅咒
 You think a horse is goona do? 你觉得牺牲一匹马就够了吗
Great power requires great sacrifice. 强大的力量需要足够的牺牲
 The heart you need must come from something far more precious. 你要用的心脏 必须更珍贵才行