美国小学英语教材5:第137课 纽伦堡火炉(13)(在线收听

 Then the same voice said, after a long pause, “It was well bought; it is very beautiful! It is undoubtedly the work of Augustin Hirschvogel.” 过了好一会儿,那个声音又说:“买得好;它非常漂亮!毫无疑问,这是奥古斯汀·赫斯沃格尔的作品。”

Then the hand of the speaker started to open the brass door, and the heart of the little prisoner within grew sick with fear. 然后说话人的手开始打开铜门,里面的小“囚犯”的心因恐惧而感到恶心。
The door was slowly drawn open, someone bent down and looked in, and the same voice that he had heard praising its beauty called in surprise, “What is this in it? A live child?” 门慢慢地拉开了,有人弯下腰往里看,他刚才听到的那个赞美它美丽的声音惊讶地喊道:“里面是什么?活的孩子?
Then August sprang out of the stove and knelt before the speaker. 然后奥古斯特从炉子里跳了出来,跪在讲话者面前。
“Oh, let me stay! Pray, sir, let me stay!”he sobbed. “哦,让我留下来!求求你,先生,让我留下来吧!”他抽泣着。
“I have come all the way with Hirschvogel!” “我和赫希沃格尔一起来的!”
“My child, how came you here, hidden in this stove? Be not afraid; tell me the truth. “我的孩子,你怎么到这儿来了,躲在这炉子里?不要害怕;跟我说实话。
I am the king.” 我是国王。”
August looked bravely up at the king; 奥古斯特勇敢地抬头看着国王;
he was too much in earnest to be in any way afraid. 他太认真了,一点也不害怕。