
 Hey. You okay? 你还好吧

Oh,in the world of tight spots I’ve been in, 我现在已经是焦头乱额
crashing in my car doesn’t even rank in the top ten. 在车上睡觉根本不值一提
You’re sleeping here? 你在车里过夜吗
Till find a place. 知道我找到地方住
You decided to stay. 你决定留下了
For Henry. 为了亨利
Yeah, I guess. 算是吧
This town doesn’t seem to have many vacancies. 镇子好像没有多少空房
None,actually. 一间都没有
Is that normal? 这正常吗
Must be the curse. 一定是诅咒搞的鬼
Why are you out so late? 你怎么这么晚还在外面
Well, I’m a teacher, not a nun. 我是个老师 又不是修女
I had a date. 我有个约会
From the looks of things, it went well. 从你的样子来看 进行得挺顺利
As well as they ever do. 每次都是这样
Tell me he at least paid. 告诉我至少是他买的单
No. 不是
Guess if true love was easy,we’d all have it. 假如真爱如此容易 我们早都拥有了
You know ,if things get cramped, 这样吧 你收拾一下行李
I do have a spare room. 我家还有间空房
Thanks. 谢谢
I’m not…really the good roommate type. 我不太适合当室友
It’s just not my thing. 那不是我的风格
I do better on my own. 我更喜欢独来独往