
 Are you all right? 你没事吧

You… 你
You saved me. 你救了我
Seemed like the honorable thing to do. 算是我的荣幸吧
Are you ready? 可以出发了吗
For what? 去哪里
My jewels. 去找我的珠宝
Right. You’ve got a wedding to get to. 对 你还要赶着结婚呢
The trolls I sold them to are just beyond the next ridge. 买珠宝的食人怪就在前面的山后
We need to be careful. 我们要小心点
What, of trolls? 小心那些食人怪
You’ve clearly never met one. 很明显你没见过食人怪
Aren’t they just little people? 他们不就是些小人人吗
You’re thinking of dwarves. 你说的是小矮人
Show a little respect. 别得意忘形
They’ll cut your hands off sooner than they’ll shake it. 他们会剁手 不会握手
Well, then let’s get this over with. 那我们去摆平他们吧
Yes, we’ve both got places to be. 是 我们都还有自己的要紧事呢
So let’s go. 所以走吧
You have your lonely little corner of solitude to find… 你还得去找个能独居的角落
And you have a ring-les fiancée to appease. 你还要去安慰那个丢了戒指的未婚妻
You’re the one who woke him up. 是你叫醒他
You’re the last one he saw. 你是他最后看见的人
He wants to find you. 他一定想找到你
Henry, it’s not about me. It just … 亨利 他不是要找我 而是
I think he’s lost and confused. 我觉得他是很迷惑
He’s been in a coma a long time. 他昏迷了很久
But he loves you. 但是他爱你
You need to stop chasing him and let him find you. 你别再去找他 让他来找你
Kid, you need to go home. Where’s your mom? 孩子 你该回家了 你妈妈呢
She’s gonna kill me and then you and then me again. 她会杀了我 再杀了你 完了再杀我一次
She dropped me at the house then went right out. 她把我送回家后就自己出去了
Well ,we need to get you back immediately. 我们得立即送你回去
No. 不要