
 Wait. Please wait. 等等 请等等

I can handle it. 我能驾驭它
Please. I will do anything 求求你 只要能把我弄出去
to get out of here. Anything. 我愿意做任何事
Anything? 任何事吗
Do you know how to use that wand, Mr… 你知道如何使用这根魔杖吗 怎么称呼你
Rumplestiltskin. 侏儒怪
And ,yes, of course I do. 当然 我当然会用
Then help me. 帮帮我
Well, if I do, 如果我帮了你
and you can indeed shoulder the, uh… 而你确实能够承担
consequences, 后果
then you’ll own me a favor. 那你就欠我个人情
Name it. What do you want? 说吧 你想要什么
Something precious. 一些珍贵的东西
But I have nothing. 但我一无所有
Oh, but you will. 你会有的
With this wish 一旦愿望成真
will come riches more than you know. 你就会享尽荣华富贵
I care nothing for riches. I’ll give you anything you want. 我不想荣华富贵 你要什么我就给你什么
Just get me out of here. 只要把我弄出去
Now we’re talking. 我就想听这些话
Well, how does it work? 你要我做什么
Fear not. 不要害怕
My needs are small, 我的要求很简单
and all you have to do is sign on the dotted line. 你所要做的就是在这纸上签名
Do we have a deal? 说定了吗
Yes. Yes. Thank you. 是的 是的 谢谢