
 No!No!  不要! 不要啊!

Please.Please come back to me.  求求你 求求你回到我身边
Oh,don't worry,dear.  别担心 亲爱的
In a few moments,you won't remember you knew him,  几分钟后你就会不记得他了
let alone loved him.  更别提爱过他
Why did you do this?  你为什么要这么做?
Because this is my happy ending.  因为这才是属于我的美好结局
The child?  Gone.   孩子呢?  不见了
It was in the wardrobe,and then it was gone.  本来在树屋中 后来消失了
- It's nowhere to be found.  Where is she?   哪儿都找不到  她去哪了?
She got away.  她逃走了
You're going to lose.  你赢不了的
I know that now.  我终于明白了
Good will always win.  胜利永远都属于善良的人
We'll see about that.  走着瞧吧
Where are we going?  这是要去哪儿?
Somewhere horrible.  某个可怕的地方
Absolutely horrible.  一个真正可怕的地方
A place where the only happy ending will be mine.  一个只有我一个人 能得到美好结局的地方
Thank you.  谢谢你
No problem.  没什么
He seemed to have taken quite a shine to you.  那孩子似乎对你挺有好感
You know what's kinda crazy?  你知道什么叫不可思议吗?
Yesterday was my birthday,  昨天是我的生日
and when I blew out the candle on this cupcake I bought myself,  我自己给自己买了个小纸杯蛋糕 一个人吹蜡烛