
 Why are we down here? 我们来这里干什么

We need a place to keep him. 我们得找个地方把他关起来
Rumplestiltskin is the most dangerous man in all the realms. 侏儒怪是所有王国内最危险的家伙
He needs his own special prison 得为他准备特殊的监狱
so we converted the mines to hold him. 所以我们把矿井改造了 用来关押他
But how will we get him here? 但我们怎么把他弄到这儿呢
He's eluded all forever. 他一直都在逃
His strength is also his weakness his deals. 他的能力也是他的弱点 那就是他的协议
He can't resist making them and we already know who he wants to deal with next you. 他不能控制订协议的欲望 而我们知道他下一个协议对象 就是你
We've sent word with one of Snow's bluebirds. 我们用白雪公主的蓝鸟送了消息
He's accepted a meeting with you. 他同意和你见一面
You're going to tell him that doc heard something with his stethoscope two heartbeats. 你就跟他说医生听诊时 听到了两个孩子的心跳
You're going to tell him it's twins. 告诉他你怀了双胞胎
And if he wants both which he will 如果两个他都想要 他一定想要
you propose a new deal. 那样的话 你就提出新的交易
Grumpy. 戈兰比
A quill? I I don't understand. 羽毛笔 我不明白
The blue fairy casts a spell on it. 蓝精灵在上面施了咒语
Whoever signs with this will be frozen 用这支笔签下协议的人会被定住
their magic made impotent. 他们的魔法也会失灵
All you must do is to get him to sign the contract. 你只要让他用这支笔签协议
Ella this man is a scourge. 埃拉 这个人是个祸害
You are doing the entire land a service. 你这样做是为了大家好
Should we even use magic? 我们应该用魔法吗
Isn't that what's causing these problems to begin with? 不正是魔法造成了这一切吗
What if this magic also has a price? 如果这个魔法也需要付出代价怎么办
Then I will pay it. 我会承担
I will do whatever is needed to save you and our child. 无论付出什么代价我都要救你和我们的孩子
Let's go. 走吧
I hope you like it. 我希望合您心意
A lot of dwarf blood went into it. 这是很多矮人的血汗建成的
You sure this will work? 你确定这能关住他
Once he's in there he'll never get out. 他进去了就再也出不来了
You'll be safe. 你就安全了
We can do this Ella. 埃拉 我们能做到
Okay. 好吧
Let's get him. 我们去抓住他
I told you. 我早跟你说过
It's her car. 那是她的车
Ashley? 阿什莉
My baby. 我的孩子
It's coming. 我要生了
Is the baby really coming? 真的要生了吗
Oh yeah. Don't worry. The hospital isn't that far. 是的 别担心 医院很快就到
No. No no no. Take me to boston. 不行 带我去波士顿
We don't have four hours. Trust me. I know. 相信我 我们没有时间去波士顿