
 I wish I wish 我祈祷又祈祷

but nothing changes. 但什么都没改变
I wish I was better at wishing! 我希望自己能更善于祈祷
Alas! Will no one slay this fearsome dragon 唉 难道就没人能杀了这可怕的巨龙
and win my hand in marriage? 赢得娶我的殊荣吗
I will slay the fearsome dragon my lady 我会杀了这恐怖的巨龙 亲爱的公主
or die trying! 不成功便成仁
Good bye dear prince. 再见 亲爱的王子
It was nice knowing you! 能认识你真好
Who dares disturb my sleep? 是谁如此大胆 扰我清梦
Uh he went that way! 那人往那边跑了
Then I will go that way. 那我就往相反方向走
Very good idea. 真是好主意
You go that way and I'll... 你去那边 而我
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Careful. Careful. 小心 小心
Don't let those coins roll away. 别让硬币滚跑了
No. They might... disappear. 不 它们可能会 消失
Whoop. Whoop. Ha. Look at that. 看 又出现了
Oh a cricket! I love crickets! 蟋蟀 我喜欢蟋蟀
Crickets are trouble noisy bugs. 蟋蟀又吵又烦
But they get to do whatever they want 但它们可以做它们想做的事
Hopping from place to place. They're free. 四处蹦跶 它们是自由的
You're free. 你也是自由的
To do what we want. 可以做我们想做的事
To be who you are. 可以做你自己
And you are who you are. 你就是你自己
Well maybe I want to be something else. 可能我不想做我自己了呢
Maybe I don't wanna steal. 可能我不想偷窃
Maybe I want to be good. 想做个好人
All that from a cricket. 这些废话都是那蟋蟀引起的
Told ya. Trouble. 跟你说了 蟋蟀很烦
"Good" is another word for "weak." "好人"是"软弱"的代名词
Let us do the thinking for you. 让我们来帮你思考
That's what parents are for. 这是父母该做的
To help you. 我们来帮你
You are who you are and there's no changing it Jiminy. 你就是你 无法改变 杰米尼
Right? Right. 知道吗 嗯
Problem solved. 问题解决了
You weren't always a cricket. 你并非一直都是蟋蟀
I wasn't al 我并非一直...
Oh right. Because I'm... 对了 因为我
Because you think I'm Jiminy cricket. 你认为我是小蟋蟀杰米尼
Why why do you why do you think that Henry? 你为什么这么想呢 亨利
It's just because of who you are. 因为你就是啊
And who am I? 那我是谁呢
You're a conscience. You help people see right from wrong. 你是良知 你帮人们明辨是非
There aren't too many crickets here. Listen. 这儿没多少蟋蟀 你听
Maybe it isn't late enough. 也许还没到它们叫的时候呢
There's never been crickets here. 这儿从来都没有过蟋蟀
You've just never noticed. 你只是从没注意到