
Watch out! 小心

Stop! Stop! 停下 停下

Move move move! 快走 快走

You're making it worse! 你越帮越忙

I am trying to save him. 我想救他

You know why he went in there in the first place don't you? 你从一开始就知道他为什么要进去 对吧

Because you made him feel like he had something to prove. 是你让他认为这会证实一些事情

And why does he think he has anything to prove? 他为什么要去证实这些事情

Who's encouraging him? 是谁在怂恿他

Do not put this on me. 别把脏水往我身上泼

Oh please! Lecture me until his oxygen runs out! 吵吧 再吵里边的氧气就耗尽了

Henry do you hear that? 亨利 你听到了吗

It's pongo! 是鹏格

Follow the noise. 跟着声音走

We have to stop this. 我们不能再吵了

Arguing won't accomplish anything. 争吵解决不了问题

No it won't. 没错

What do you want me to do? 你要我怎么做

Help me. 帮我

It's loudest over here. 这里动静最大

What's what's this? 这是什么

Looks like... 好像是...

An old elevator. 一部旧电梯

We need to find some way to... punch through the ground. 我们得想办法 打出一条通道

We need something big. 我们需要威力大的东西

Like what? 比如呢

Explosives. 炸药

It's to get the mine workers in and out. 这是搭载矿工的电梯

Goes all the way to the top. That's why we could hear pongo. 一直通到地面 所以我们能听到鹏格的叫声

Can we make it work? 我们能让它启动吗

Let's give it a shot. 咱们试试看

Okay. We're all clear. 好的 清场完毕

Come on! 快点

Blow it. 起爆

Did it work? 成功了吗

It didn't open. 没炸开

Then what did it do? 炸成什么样了

Have a good day. 祝你心情愉快
