
 Careful. Remember what happened to Frederick. 当心 忘了弗雷德里克吗 别重蹈覆辙

Your sword. 举起你的剑
Consider it a down payment. 以此为定金吧
You'll get the rest when you deliver the dragon's head to me. 龙首送来之日就是你得到余金之时
It's a deal. 一言为定
Forgive me if I refuse to shake on it King Midas. 恕我不能与你握手定约 迈达斯王
Come. Let's discuss the details. 来 我们商讨下细节
A toast to our fearless prince. 敬我们无畏的王子殿下
No. There's no celebrating today. 不 今日不须庆祝
This was but a simple test. 此次只是简单的测试
The task before us is too big too important to make light of. 眼下的任务责任重大 不容小觑
Just because I was easily able to kill this brute doesn't m 不要因我轻而易举杀了这个暴徒而...
Good bye my son. 永别了 孩儿
Your Majesty there is no time to grieve. 陛下 现下没时间哀痛了
If Midas learns he is dead 如果迈达斯知道王子已死
he will find another warrior to slay his dragon 他就会去找其他勇士斩杀巨龙
and we will never see an ounce of his gold. 那我们就再得不到他丁点金子了
Yes. Yes. 没错
The kingdom must survive. 我的王国必须生存下去
So what are we to do? 那我们该怎么办
I have asked for help. 我已找人求助
It should be here soon. 应该很快就到了
Oh it's here. 鄙人在这儿
Leave us. 都退下吧
Move. 走
So this is how you treat my gift? 你就这么对待我给你的礼物吗
You really must be more careful. 你真该更小心些