
 Careful. Looks sharp. 小心点 好像很锋利

You can't be here. 你不应该来这里
I I needed to see you. 我得见你一面
Tell me you didn't leave your wife because of me. 你不是为了我才跟你妻子分手的吧
I do not want to destroy your marriage. 我不想破坏你们的婚姻
You're not. It's me. 与你无关 这是我的选择
I don't want to hurt her either 我也不想伤害她
but the most hurtful thing to Kathryn would be me pretending. 但是虚情假意才是对凯思琳最大的伤害
She needs someone to feel about her... 她需要一个对她有感觉的人...
the way I feel about you. 就像我对你的感觉
I'm really trying hard to stay away from you 我真的在努力跟你保持距离
to do the right thing. 做出正确的决定
Why is that the right thing? 这怎么就是正确的决定
Because you already have a life. 你已经有了你自己的生活
With someone I didn't choose. 我并没有选择和她在一起
The man who chose that life 选择她的那个男人
whoever married Kathryn is gone. 娶了凯思琳的那个男人已经不在了
The man here wants someone else. 我心里有别人
You really have to leave me alone. 你别再来缠着我了
Is that truly what you want? 这是你的真心话吗
Go. 走吧
Meet me tonight. At least think about it. 今晚来见我吧 至少考虑一下
I'll be at the bridge where you found me at 8:00. 我八点钟在你发现我的桥头等你
Think about it until then and then decide. 考虑一下再决定
If you don't show 如果到时候你不出现
I'll know 我就明白了
and I'll never bother you again. 以后再也不来烦你了
But if you choose this 如果你到时候出现了
if you choose us... 如果你选择跟我在一起
You'll know where I'll be. 我会在那里等你
Sometimes the cliches are true. 老话说的不假
Okay. What do you want? 好吧 你想要干嘛
Remember when I said no night shifts? 记得我当初说不用你上夜班吗
I need you to work tonight. Just this once. 今晚你得加班 仅此一次
Why? 为什么
I volunteer at an animal shelter 我在动物救助站做义工
and the supervisor is sick 管事的病了
and someone needs to feed the dogs. 所以需要有人去喂狗
Very lucky you brought a bear claw. 看在熊爪面包的份上我就帮你一次
Emma can I talk to you for a minute? 艾玛 我跟你说点事
I'll just go patrol my office. 我去办公室里转转
Thanks. 谢谢
He left his wife. 他跟他妻子分手了
David he left her.He left Kathryn. 戴维跟她分手了 他跟凯思琳分手了
Hey. Slow down. 慢点说
He he did it for me. 他是为了我才这么做的
He wants me to be with him. 他想让我跟他在一起
He wants me to meet him tonight. 他想让我今晚去见他
That's... 那么说...
I mean I'm trying so hard to be strong 我一直都想着不要动摇
but he just keeps coming. 不过他就是不放手
I mean how do I stop it? 我怎么阻止这一切
You know how do I let him down? 我怎样才能让他摆手呢
What would you do? 换成你会怎么办
I'd go. 我会去的
What? 什么
He left her. 他跟她分手了
That's one thing to say that he wants you 他嘴上说想跟你在一起是一回事
but it's another to actually make a choice and now he has. 实际证明给你看是另一回事 他现在有行动了
That's all you can ask for. 你还能要求他什么呢
Given her new friendship with Kathryn 凯思琳现在和瑞金娜成了朋友
I don't think Regina would be happy. 我这么做 瑞金那不会高兴的
All the more reason to do it. 那就更应该这么干了
Good lord is this really happening? 上帝 这一切都是真的吗
You tell me. 你说呢