
 I know we have work to do. 我知道我们需要磨合

Let's see what happens. 咱们慢慢尝试吧
I'd like that. 我很愿意
Let this mark the beginning of a new era 让这一时刻成为新纪元的开始
of a new kingdom 新王国的开端
united and strong. 团结 强大
An era of mutual prosperity. 共同繁荣时代的开始
Abigail James as I stay to work out the particulars of our new land with king George 艾比盖尔 詹姆斯 我要留下来 与乔治国王共商新王国的一些事务
go to your new home at my palace. 你们先行前往我王宫的新家
We'll be along shortly 我们随后就到
and the celebration will be beyond your dreams. 婚礼庆典将是空前绝后的
Thank you daddy. 谢谢您 父亲
I trust that you know best. 我相信你的判断
I'm glad you made the right decision son. 很高兴你做出了正确的决定 孩子
Thank you... 谢谢
Father. 父亲
Come. I'm tired of waiting. 走吧 我不想再等了
Well then our journey shall begin. 那我们就上路吧
I thought we might take the scenic route. 我觉得咱们应该走一条风景好的路线
Smile son. 笑笑 孩子
You're on the road to true love. 你正走向真爱
I told you the Troll Road would've been quicker. 我说过走食人兽大路会更快
Are you even listening to me? 你有在听我说吗
Halt! 停下