
 Nice shot Chief. 射得漂亮 警长

I betcha 20 bucks you can't do it again. 但我赌二十块 下一支镖你射不中
Next round's on him. 下一轮酒钱算他的
Emma what can I get you? Nothing. 艾玛 你想点什么吗 不了
What the hell? 搞什么
You could have hit me. 你差点射到我了
I never miss. 我从不失手
You've been avoiding me... 从昨晚撞见我...
since last night when you saw me. 你就一直在躲我
"Leaving the Mayor"? 撞见你离开镇长家吗
And yes that is a euphemism. 话说得可真委婉啊
I'm not avoiding you Graham. 我没在躲你 格兰姆
I just have no interest in having this conversation. 我只是没兴趣和你谈这事
It's your life and I really don't care. 这是你的生活 而我真不在意
If you don't care then why are you so upset? I'm not upset! 如果不在意 那你干嘛这么不高兴 我没有不高兴
If that were true you'd be at the bar with me having a drink and not running away. 要是你说的是真的 那你该待在酒吧里 和我一起喝一杯 不会一走了之
It's none of my business really. 这真不关我的事
Can we please talk about this? I need you to understand. 我们能谈谈这件事吗 我需要你的理解
Why? 为什么
I don't know. Uh maybe so I can understand. 不知道 或许这样我就能理解了
You need analysis go talk to Archie. 你需要精神分析 去找阿奇谈吧
I wanna talk to you. 我想和你聊
Well your bad judgment is your problem not mine. 判断力不佳是你自己的问题 不关我的事
You don't know what it's like with her. 你不理解我和她在一起时的感受
I don't feel anything. Can you understand that? 我没任何感觉 你懂吗
A bad relationship? Yeah. I understand a bad relationship. 一段糟糕的恋爱吗 那我倒还挺懂的
I just don't wanna talk about yours. 我只是不想谈你的事
Look I know you and Regina have your own issues and I should've told you about that before you took the job. 我知道你和瑞金娜之间有矛盾 我本该在你接受这份工作前告诉你的
Yeah why the secrecy? 对 那为什么保密
We're all adults. You can do whatever you want. 大家都是成年人 你可以随心所欲
'Cause I I didn't want you to look at me the way you are now. 因为我不想让你用现在这种眼光来看我
Why do you care how I look at you? 为什么你要在意我怎么看你
Because... 因为
What? 因为什么
What the hell was that? 你在干什么
Did you see that? 你看见那个了吗
How much have you been drinking? 你喝了多少酒
That was way over the line. 这实在是太过分了
I'm sorry. I just What? 抱歉 我只是... 什么
You what? 你什么
I need to feel something. 我想感受一些东西
Listen to me Graham. 听我说 格兰姆
You are drunk and full of regret. I get it. 我知道你现在喝醉了 而且充满悔意
But whatever it is you are looking to feel 但无论你在寻找什么感觉
I can tell you one thing. 我要告诉你一件事
You're not getting it with me. 你在我这儿是找不到的
Graham. 格兰姆
Is Henry asleep? 亨利睡着了吗
Yes. Why? 睡了 干嘛