
 Good luck Sheriff. 祝你好运 警长

I do hope you find what you're looking for. 希望你能找到你想找的东西
They're letting animals in here now? 动物现在可以随意出入这里了吗
This isn't a slaughterhouse. 这里又不是屠宰场
Forget him. He might as well be one too. 别理他 他可能跟动物同类呢
I heard he was raised by 'em. 我听说他是被动物养大的
He does smell like 'em. 他闻起来是挺像的
Pathetic. I heard he cries over his kills. 真可悲 我听说他会为自己的猎物哭泣
You believe that? 你能相信吗
Tell me huntsman. 告诉我 猎手
What kind of a man cries over an animal? 什么样的人为自己的猎物哭泣
An honorable one. 一个值得尊敬的人
What do you know about honor? 你懂什么叫尊敬吗
I have it. They have it. 我配得上 它们也是
You don't. 你不配
Animals have it? 动物值得尊敬吗
They're pure of heart 它们有纯净的心灵
not selfish and self serving like... people. 不像人那么 自私自利
You tell him to stop threatening me. 你快点叫它停止挑衅我
'Cause you know what I do to pets that threaten me? 你知道我会怎么对待挑衅我的宠物吗
I hang 'em on my wall. 我把它们吊在我的墙上
He's not a pet. 他不是一只宠物
He's perfect. 他再合适不过了
Bring him to me. 带他来见我
What do you want? 你想要什么
Mary Margaret? 玛丽·玛格丽特
Can I talk to you? Graham. 我能和你谈谈吗 格兰姆
What's the matter? Are you okay? 发生什么了 你还好吧
I think we uh... 我觉得我们
I think we know each other. 我觉得我们互相认识
Of course we do. 当然认识
No no no not not from here. 不不 不是在这儿