
 Sound this when you need help. 需要帮助时就吹这个

What? 什么
It's a whistle that will bring you aide. 这是个口哨 会给你招来帮手
You'll be led to safety. Now go. Run. 助你脱险 趁现在快跑吧
I don't understand. You're not going to kill me? 我不明白 你不打算杀我吗
Run. 快跑
Well when did your flashes begin? 你什么时候开始有这些闪影的
Right after I kissed Emma. 从我亲了艾玛之后
You kissed my mom? 你亲了我妈妈
What did you see? 你都看见了什么
A wolf. 一匹狼
I saw that I had a knife in my hand 我看见我手里拿着一把刀
And I was with mary margaret. 跟玛丽·玛格丽特在一起
Were you about to hurt her? 你是要伤害她吗
Yes. How do you know that? 是 你怎么知道的
Because Mary Margaret is snow white which makes you The Huntsman. 因为玛丽·玛格丽特就是白雪公主 这就意味着 你是猎人
So you really think that I... could be another person? 你真认为我是另外一个人吗
Makes total sense. You were raised by wolves. 当然有可能 你被狼群抚养长大
That's why you keep seeing one. 所以你总是看见狼
It's your friend your guide. 它是你的朋友 你的向导
It's trying to help you. 它想帮助你
I'm remembering this because I kissed your mother? 我回想起这一切 因为我吻了你妈妈
How is that possible? 这是为什么
Well you two do have a special connection. 你俩确实有特殊的关系
She owes you her life. 她欠你一条命
Why? 为什么
Snow white's her mother 白雪公主是她的妈妈
and you spared her. 而你放过了白雪公主
If you hadn't... 如果你没有
My mom wouldn't have been born. 就不会有我妈妈
Well what happened after I spared Snow White? 我放过了白雪公主之后发生了什么事
The Queen took your heart. 女王取走了你的心
She ripped it out. It's kinda her thing. 亲手挖出来 这是她的风格
She never wanted you to be able to feel again. 她想让你从此不再有感情
Let me see that book. 让我看看那本书
What's that? 这是什么
I saw that too. The wolf was howling at it. 我看见过 狼朝着它嚎叫
That's her vault. 是她的地下室
That's where she put your heart. 她把你的心藏于此地
The wolf wants me to find it. 那条狼想让我找到心脏
Thank you Henry. 谢谢你 亨利
I hear you're having a rough day. 我听说你今天不太顺利
Who says? 谁说的
Pretty much everyone. 大家都这么说
I think maybe you need to go home and get some rest. 你还是回家好好休息吧
I'm fine. 我没事
No Graham you're not fine. 格兰姆 你不好
You just went to see a 10 year old for help. 你居然向一个十岁的孩子求助
He's the only one making any sense. 只有他还说得有点道理
What's going on? 发生了什么事
What's... really going on? 到底发生了什么事
It's my heart Emma. I need to find it. 艾玛 我得找到我的心