
 What's this? 这是什么

The girl wanted you to have it. 她希望我把它交给你
Read it to me. 念给我听
Dearest stepmother 我最亲爱的继母
by the time you read this I will be dead. 当你读到这封信的时候 我已经死了
I understand that you will never have love in your life because of me. 我知道由于我的缘故 你的生活已无爱相伴
So it's only fitting that I'll be denied that same joy as well. 所以让我得不到快乐 也是理所当然
For the sake of kingdom I hope my death satisfies your need for revenge 为了王国 我希望我的死能满足你报复的欲望
allowing you to rule my father's subjects as they deserve 使你以怜悯仁慈之心统治父王的臣民
with compassion and a gentle hand. 这是他们应得的
I know what you think you're doing is vengeance. 我知道你觉得杀了我是为了复仇
I prefer to think of it as sacrifice 但我更愿意把我的死当做是
for the good of all. 为了所有人的幸福而做的牺牲
With that in mind I welcome the end. 带着这个想法 我乐于接受死亡
I want you to take my last message to heart. 希望你能够将我的遗言铭记于心
I'm sorry and I forgive you." 我很抱歉 我原谅你的所作所为
Don't tell me you're becoming a sheep. 不要告诉我你变成了软弱的羔羊
She put others before herself and yet you hate her. 她把别人放在第一位 你却依然恨她
What did she do to you? 她对你做了什么
I shared a secret with her 我告诉了她一个秘密
and she couldn't keep it. 但是她没能保密
And that betrayal... 那次背叛...
Cost me dearly. 让我付出惨痛代价
Now... 现在...
Show me her heart. 把她的心给我
It should open. 应该会打开啊
This isn't her heart. 这不是她的心
This isn't a human heart! 这不是人类的心
What did you do? 你做了什么
It's got to be in here... 肯定是在这里
Somewhere. 某个地方
There's gotta be a hidden door. 应该有个暗门
A lever... 机关
Something.Graham. Hey Graham. 肯定有些什么 格兰姆 嘿 格兰姆
There's nothing in here. 这里什么都没有
There has to be. And if there isn't then...It's okay. 必须有 如果没有的话... 没事的
It's going to be okay. 会没事的
What the hell do you think you're doing? 你们在干什么呢