
 Yes.  好的

Oh, thank you. Thank you.  谢谢  谢谢你
Thank you. Thank you.  谢谢你  谢谢你  谢谢你
Are we sure there's no other way?  真的没有别的办法了吗
Oh, I can't lose you, Bae.  我不能失去你  小比
You're all I got left, son.  我就你一个亲人了
You don't understand what war is like,  你不知道战争有多可怕
what they do to you.  敌人有多残暴
Quick. Hide. In the ditch. Hide. Go. Go.  快  藏起来  藏在沟里  快
Go! Stop right there!  快  不许动
What are you doing on the King's Road?  你们在这儿干什么呢
We have some wool to sell at the fair in Longbourne, sir.  我们想去朗伯恩的集市卖点羊毛  大人
I know you, don't I?  我认得你  是不是
What was your name?  你叫什么名字
Spindleshanks?  细腿杆子
Hobblefoot?  跛足佬
His name's Rumplestiltskin.  他的名字是朗普斯金
Hush, boy.  别说话  孩子
Rumple...  朗普...
The man who ran.  逃跑的家伙
Is this your boy?  这是你儿子吗
How old is he?  他多大了
What's your name?  你叫什么名字
I'm Baelfire and I'm 13.  我叫比尔菲  13岁了
When's your birthday?  你生日是什么时候
In two days' time. Hush, boy.  两天后就是  安静  孩子
Did you teach him how to run as well, Rumplestiltskin?  朗普斯金  你是不是也教会他逃跑了
Did he tell you?  他告诉过你没
Did he tell you how he ran,  他有没有说过他是如何逃跑的
and the ogres turned the tide of the battle,  食人魔是如何反败为胜的
and all the others were killed?  其他将士又是如何命丧疆场的
And he returned home to a wife who could not bear the sight of him.  他逃回家 而妻子嫌弃他  离他而去
Please.  拜托了
You see, women do not like to be married to cowards.  你瞧  女人可不想嫁给懦夫
Please don't speak to my boy like that.  请别跟我的孩子说这个
It's treason to avoid service.  逃避兵役是叛国大罪
Take the boy now.  现在就把孩子带走
No. No. No. No. What do you want?  别这样  你想要什么
What do I want?  我要什么
You have no money,  你身无分文
no influence, no land, no title, no power.  一穷二白  无权无势
The truth is, all you really have is fealty.  你仅有的就是忠诚
Kiss my boot.  亲我的靴子
I don't understand.  我不明白
You asked my price.  你问我要什么
Kiss my boot.  我就要你亲我的靴子
Not in front of my boy.  我不能在我儿子面前这么做
Kiss my boot!  亲我的靴子
No. No. No.It's okay. Let me help you. Let me help you home.  别怕 没事  我来帮你们  我带你们回家
Thank you, old man.  谢谢你  老人家