
 like the internet.  例如互联网

That's what I've been trying to tell you.  这就是我一直试图告诉你的事
Good can't beat evil  正不胜邪
because good doesn't do this kind of thing.  因为正义一方不会做这种事
My mom plays dirty.  我妈妈贯使阴招
That's why you can't beat her, ever.  所以你永远也赢不了她
I have a new ally. Mr. Gold said he's gonna help.  我有新盟友了  戈登先生说他会帮我
Mr. Gold?  戈登先生
He's even worse than she is.  他甚至比我妈更阴
You already owe him one favor.  你已然欠他一个人情了
You don't want to owe him any more.  你不会想再欠他的
Don't do this.  别这样做
This was a juvie record.  这是一份青少年犯罪记录
This was sealed by court order.  已经根据法令封存了
I don't know how you got it, but that's abuse of power and illegal.  我不知道你是如何拿到它的 但肯定是通过滥用职权非法获得
Oh, I'm sorry. You didn't want people to know you cut his cord with a shiv?  很抱歉  你不希望大家知道 你是用剃刀割断了他的脐带吗
I don't care what people know,  我不在乎大家知道什么  
but this hurts Henry.  但是这事伤害了亨利
He would've learned eventually.  他总会知道真相的
We all lose our heroes at some point.  在某些时刻  我们总会失去心中的英雄
He doesn't need to lose anything more.  他不应再失去更多了
He's depressed, Madam Mayor.  他很抑郁  镇长女士
He doesn't have any... any hope. Don't you see that?  他毫无...毫无期盼  你没看出来吗
He's fine.  他很好
He's not fine.  他一点也不好
I mean, think about it-- watching his adoptive mother  我的意思是  想想看  看着他养母
throw an illegal smear campaign against his birth mother?  对他生母进行非法诽谤
You don't think that would be upsetting?  你不认为这很令人沮丧吗
All I did was expose him to the truth.  我只是在告诉他真相
And as for the legality,  至于合法性问题
I did nothing wrong.  我没做错事
But you and Sidney will have a chance to get into all that at the debate.  但是你和西德尼完全可以在 公开辩论中提及这一点
Debate?  公开辩论
Yes, Ms. Swan, there's a debate.  是的  斯旺女士  公开辩论
You two can talk about jail time and juvie records  你俩可以借此讨论铁窗生活和青少年犯罪记录
and maybe even your new association with Mr. Gold.  甚至也可以谈谈你和戈登先生的新同盟
He's a snake, Ms. Swan.  他是条毒蛇  斯旺女士
You need to be careful who you get into bed with.  你得小心你的床伴
I'm not getting into bed with anyone. I'm just fighting fire with 我没和任何人上床 我只是以毒攻...
All right. Come on. Let's go. We gotta get out of here.  起来  快跑  我们得快逃出去
I can't move! You have to get me out.  我动不了了  你得带我出去
Help me.  帮我
Keep that fire good and stoked, Bae.  要把火生得又亮又旺  小比
The sheep's fat needs to be liquid.  绵羊脂肪一定要是液体状的
And get that wool good and soaked.  那块羊毛一定要好好浸湿
Why are we doing this, papa?  我们为什么要这样做  爸爸
This is good wool. We can spin and sell.  这羊毛很好  我们可以将它纺织出售
These are our keys to the castle, son.  这是我们城堡之行的通关密钥  儿子
Once I'm inside, there's something I have to take.  我进入后  需要拿到一样东西
What do you need to take?  你需要拿到什么东西
That old beggar he told me a fine tale  那个老乞丐  他告诉我了一个关于
about the Duke and his magical dagger.  公爵和他的魔法匕首的故事
What does it do?  匕首有什么用
If I own that dagger,  如果我拥有这把匕首
I control the dark one.  我就能控制黑暗者
If I kill the dark one with the dagger, 如果我用匕首杀死黑暗者
I take his powers.  我就能获得他的力量
By God's name.  上帝啊
Imagine me with those powers.  想象一下我获得这些力量会如何
Can you imagine me with those powers, Bae?  你能想到我拥有这些力量吗  小比
I could get to redeem myself.  我就能拯救自己
I could turn it towards good.  我可以用它做好事
I'll save all the children of the Frontlands,  我就能拯救方特兰所有的孩子
not just you, my boy.  而不仅是你  我的儿子
I'd love to see that,  我很乐于见到这一点
but if the law says I'm to fight, I-I can fight.  但如果法令规定我应该参战  我就参战