
 David, hi.  戴维

Mary Margaret.  玛丽·玛格丽特
I was just, uh...  我只是...
Yeah, me, too.  我也是
How are things?  你最近怎么样
Okay.  还好
Oh, I got a job.  哦  我找了份工作
Yeah. I'm working at the animal shelter.  我在流浪动物收容站工作
So... Sidney?  你帮西德尼做海报
Yeah, well, my wife is friends with Regina, so...  我妻子是瑞金娜的朋友  所以...
Oh, right. How is kathryn?  凯思琳还好吧
Good. She's meeting me here later.  挺好  她一会儿来这里找我
That's wonderful.  挺好的
Well, I'm all out of posters. I'm gonna go get some more.  我的海报没了  我再去拿一些
Citizens of Storybrooke,  童话镇的公民们
uh, we welcome you to 欢迎来到
Uh, welcome, citizens of Storybrooke.  欢迎  童话镇的公民们
Oh. Uh, we welcome you citizens of Storybrooke, welcome, uh...  欢迎 童话镇的公民们  欢迎
I'm not gonna win. What are you talking about?  我赢不了的  你在说什么
Everyone's talking about what you did in the fire.  大家都在谈论你在那场大火中的英勇行为
No, Henry's right.  不  亨利是对的
I can't beat Regina at this, not the way she fights.  就瑞金娜使的那些手段  我根本打不过她
Watch and see.  你会明白的
Is this really just about beating Regina?  这真的只是为了打败瑞金娜吗
It's just... Henry.  其实 亨利
I want to show him that good can actually win.  我想证明给他看  邪不胜正
That's why you want to win it for him,  那是你想为他而赢的原因
but why do you want to win the election for yourself?  那么你想为自己而赢的原因呢
That is why.  那就是原因
I want to show him that a hero can win.  我想让他知道正义可以战胜邪恶
And if I'm not...  如果我输了
If I'm not a hero and I'm not the savior, then what part do I have in his life?  如果我不是英雄  不是救世主 那我在他生命中又是什么角色呢
Okay. There it is. There it is.  好吧  就是因为这个 就是因为这个
Papa! I was so worried for you. Bae  爸爸  我很担心你  小比
Are you burned? The castle 你没有烧伤吧  那个城堡
I'm fine, son. I'm fine.  我很好  儿子  我很好
I need you to go home and wait for me there.  我需要你回家  乖乖等我回去
Come with me, please. I have a bad feeling.  和我一起走行吗  我有不好的预感
Bae, this is something I have to do on my own.  小比  这是我必须自己完成的事情
Go home, son.  回家吧  儿子
Go home and wait for me, Bae.  回家等我  小比
I'll be back. You go.  我会回来的  快走吧