
 Zoso.  佐索

I summon thee.  吾召唤汝
You were asking for me?  你在召唤我吗
Submit, oh dark one!  服从吧  黑暗者
I control you.  我将掌控你
Yes, you do.  是
Wield the power wisely.  明智地使用你的权力吧
You can wield at any time now.  你可以随时使用它了
It's almost dawn.  黎明已近
That means it's your son's birthday.  意味着你儿子的生日快到了
I bet Hordor and his men are already on their way to your house.  我敢打赌赫尔多和他的手下已经快到你家了
No, they can't take him.  不  他们不可以带走他
You don't control them.  你不能掌控他们
You control me.  你只能掌控我
Have you ever wondered was he really your child at all?  难道你从来没有想过 他可能根本不是你的孩子吗
Unlike you, he's not a coward and yearns to fight and die in glory.  不像你  他不是一个懦夫 他渴望在荣耀中战斗到最后一刻
What a poor bargain that would be to lay down your soul to save your bastard son.  多么不值的交易啊 放下你的尊严来拯救一个私生子
So I ask you...  现在我来问你
what would you have me do? 你想让我做什么
Die!  死
It's you.  是你
You're the beggar.  你是那个乞丐
Looks like you made a deal you didn't understand.  看上去你并不明白你做了一个怎样的交易
I don't think you're gonna do that again.  我想你不会再做这样的交易了
You told me to kill you?  你叫我杀死你吗
My life was such a burden.  生命对我来说  是一个负担
You'll see.  你将会明白
Magic always comes with a price,  魔法的实现总需要付出一定的代价
and now it's yours to pay.  现在轮到你了
Why me? Why me?  为什么是我  为什么是我
I know how to recognize a desperate soul.  我能分辨的出一个不顾一切的人
No! no! Stay!  不  不要死
You have to tell me what to do!  你要告诉我我能做什么
Tell me what to do!  告诉我我能做什么