
 All right. What's your plan?  好吧  你有什么计划

Tap her phone. G.P.S. Her car.  窃听她的手机  追踪她的车子
Hack into her e-mail.  黑进她的邮箱
Dip into your bail bonds person bag of tricks.  你不是个诡计多端的保释金追讨人吗
No. I'm sheriff now.  不  我现在是警长
I have to be responsible.  我要为我的行为负责
I want to do this by the book.  我要按章办事
She's gonna know that you're on to her sooner than later.  她很快就会知道 你在查她
Are you prepared for her wrath?  你准备好承受她的愤怒了吗
Oh, yeah.  早就准备好了
Good. Because I wasn't.  很好  我没准备好
If you thought she was so terrifying...  如果你觉得她这么可怕
how did you allow yourself to end up in her pocket?  为什么还要唯她马首是瞻
I used to think she was a different person.  我曾经认为她是另一种人
Happy birthday, your majesty.  生日快乐  陛下
No gifts are required to mark this special day,  不必用礼物来庆祝这特别之日
for they all pale  有一份最好的礼物
in comparison to the greatest gift of all 令所有这些礼物都黯然失色
my daughter Snow.  那就是我的女儿白雪
Father. You make me blush.  父王  我脸都红了
Every day I look upon your face,  每天当我看见你
and I am reminded of your dearly departed mother who, like you,  总会想起你那过世的母亲 她像你一样
truly was the fairest in all the land.  真的是这世上最美的人
Not in a festive mood?  没心情庆祝吗
No one seems to notice my absence.  似乎没人留意到我离场了
I noticed.  我留意到了
Such a lovely tree.  这棵树长得真好
Yes, it's from my childhood garden.  是的  是从我童年花园里搬来的
The tree and I share something in common.  我和这树有着共同之处
Neither of us can leave the palace and neither of us truly belongs.  我们都无法离开宫殿 而这里却并非我们真正的归属
No matter how hard I try to please the king,  无论我如何努力讨好国王
he will never love me the way he loved his first wife.  他都不会像爱前任妻子那样地爱我
I'm trapped by the memory of the life they used to share.  他们共同生活的回忆却是我的牢笼
I know about being trapped, more than anyone.  我比任何人都了解 身陷囫囵的感觉
Maybe this will lift your spirits.  或许这能让你开心起来
So you can see yourself the way I see you.  这样的话你就能看见我眼中的你了