
 It was an arranged marriage. 这是由我父亲指定的婚姻

Honestly, I never really cared much for Gaston. 说实话  我从没喜欢过加斯顿
You know, to me, love is... love is layered. 对我来说  爱情...覆盖着层层面纱
Love is a... a mystery to be uncovered. 爱情是个...亟待发现的未知事物
Yeah, I could never truly give my heart to someone as superficial as he. 我可不愿把我的真心给一个如他那般肤浅的人
But, um, you were going to tell me about your son. 不过  你不是要和我聊聊你的儿子吗
I'll tell you what. 不如这样吧
I'll make you a deal. 我和你做笔交易
Go to town... and fetch me some straw. 你去镇上...给我带些稻草回来
When you return, I'll share my tale. 你回来之后 我就把故事说给你听
Town? 要我去镇上
You-- you trust me to come back? 你相信我会回来吗
Oh, no. I expect I'll never see you again. 不  我想永远都不会看到你了
Pace yourself, Ashley. 慢点喝  阿什莉
I am. This is the first night out since I've had the baby. I am making up for lost time. 我喝得挺慢的  有孩子之后  这是我第一次晚上出来玩 我在弥补过去的时光
Ash, check out those guys. 阿什  快看那几个小伙子
Honey, I'm still with Sean. 亲爱的  我还和肖恩在一起
You're not married, and he's not here. 你又没结婚  他也不在这里
He's working. 他在工作
He's always working. 他总是在工作
Have fun moping. 你就在这里自怨自艾吧