
 Princess Abigail, your beauty grows with each passing day. 艾比盖尔公主 你真是一天比一天漂亮

It is an honor to have you join my family. 你能成为我家的一员是我的荣幸
Thank you, your majesty. 谢谢陛下
Let's go! 出发
Is everything okay?  一切都好吗
Just the excitement of the royal wedding. 大家都为了皇室婚礼而兴奋不已
We want to ensure the safety of our guests. 我们要保证我们尊贵客人们的安全
So if you'll excuse me...  你稍等片刻
Find him. 找到他
Go around! Go! 绕道过去  快走
Split up! 分头找