
 A moment, please. 请让我们单独待会儿

This is where my beloved Frederick sacrificed his life. 这是我亲爱的弗雷德里牺牲的地方
I'm sorry. Did he die in battle? 我很抱歉 他死在战争中吗
We were traveling with my father, King Midas. When our caravan was ambushed, Frederick bravely defended us and was cut down saving my father's life. 我们当时与我父王迈达斯国王同行 我们的队伍遇到了伏兵 弗雷德里克英勇地保护了我们他为救我父亲而丧生
It's a fitting tribute. The craftsmanship is is remarkable. 这纪念像正合适宜 工艺真出色
I've never seen anything quite so lifelike. 我还没见如此栩栩如生的
That's because the hand you're touching is actually Frederick's. 那是因为你所触摸的就是弗雷德里克的手
Excuse me? 什么意思
It's not a statue. 它不是雕像
Frederick saw the attack when no one else did and threw himself in front of my father, knocking him to safety. 弗雷德里克是第一个发现伏兵的人 他用身体护住了我父亲 把他撞到了安全的地方
Because of my father's curse, he was instantly turned to gold. 但因为我父亲的诅咒 他瞬间变成了金人
All curses can be broken. 任何诅咒都有破解之道
Have you tried true love's kiss? 你试过真爱之吻吗
Until my lips bled. 我吻到双唇流血
The gold got in the way. 金子阻挡了它的力量
There must be something else to do. 一定还有其他方法