
My mom's picking me up in, like, five minutes. 我妈还有五分钟就来接我了

All right, I'll be quick then. I just have something I'd like to give you. 好吧  那我就快点说 我有样东西要给你

You found it! Where'd you get it? 你找到了  在哪找到的

I found it in a gutter. 在排水沟里

It must have fallen off the dump truck on the way to the junkyard and got tossed around in the rain and somehow made its way back to me. 估计是垃圾车去垃圾场时掉下来的掉在雨中不知怎的  让我找到了

Wow. That's crazy. 天啊  太不可思议了

What other explanation could there be? 还会有其他什么可能呢

I don't know.Well, whatever happened, it came back to me. 我也不知道 无论发生了什么 它回到我身边了

Maybe it means our luck is changing. Operation Cobra is back on. 或许这意味着我们的好运要来了 "眼镜蛇行动"再度启动

It's a sign. Things are gonna be better. 这是一种启示 一切都会好起来

I hope you're right, kid. 希望你是对的  孩子

I gotta go. 我得走了

Snow! Snow White! Snow! Are you there?! 白雪 白雪 白雪 你在吗

She's gone. She never came back after she went to find you. 她走了 自从她去找你  就再也没回来过

Then I'll find her. 那我要找到她
