
 You know, someone once told me you can do anything as long as you can dream it. 曾有人告诉我 只要有梦想  一切都能实现

You really think so? 你真这么认为吗
Sure. Look how easily you fixed those lights. I bet you could do anything. 当然 看你不费吹灰之力就把灯弄好了 我敢打赌你能做任何事
I should, uh, get back to the volunteer center. Nice to meet you, Leroy. 我得回志愿者中心了 很高兴见到你  勒罗伊
You mind if I take a look, too?   介意我也来看看吗
What for? 你来干嘛
Well, just because I got fired from the "Mirror" doesn't mean I can't do a little freelance reporting. 我被《镜报》炒了不代表我就不能做自由撰稿人
So what do we got here? 什么情况
Gym teacher found this thing on the side of the road, abandoned, engine running, no one around.  体育老师在路边发现了这辆被遗弃的车 没熄火  也没发现司机
Registered to Kathryn Nolan. She's M.I.A.  车登记在凯思琳·诺兰名下 她目前失踪
Kathryn Nolan, whose husband very publicly left her? 凯思琳·诺兰  被老公抛弃  搞得人尽皆知的那个吗
I mean, the story writes itself. If I get a scoop like that, the "Daily Mirror" would have no choice but to take me back. 这可是绝佳的新闻啊 如果我能拿到这样的独家新闻 《每日镜报》肯定会立马把我请回去的
Calm down, tiger. You don't work for Regina anymore. 冷静点  鸡血男  你已经不为瑞金娜卖命了
Kathryn got accepted to law school in Boston. 凯思琳被波士顿的法学院录取了
Maybe after David dumped her, she decided to leave town. 戴维和她分手后  也许她想离开童话镇
Car broke down. She hitched the rest of the way. 车坏了  于是只能搭便车去波士顿了
That's what I would do if I was running away from my problems. 要是我想逃离烂摊子  我就会这么做