
 What about your good memories? 那你美好的回忆呢

What do you mean? 什么意思 
Didn't you have moments with him that you love? Do you regret them? 难道你没有和他在一起的美好时刻吗  你会后悔吗
No, of course not. 不  当然不后悔
Isn't that what life's about? Holding on to your good memories. 这不就是生活的意义吗  守着你美好的记忆
All I wanted was a moment with Astrid one moment to give me hope that any dream's possible. 我只想跟阿斯特丽德共度美好的一刻 只此一刻给我梦想皆能成真的希望
You've had all that, Mary Margaret, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and enjoy it. Because I haven't. 你已经拥有了这些  玛丽·玛格丽特 所以不要再自怨自艾  尽情享受吧  因为我从未拥有
Well, if I had the dream, I m sorry to say it wasn't worth it. 如果我有过梦想 那我很遗憾地说  那不值得
And sitting here drinking won't end this pain. 坐在这喝酒也不会结束这痛苦
What will? 那什么会
I can only think of one thing. Perfect. 我只能想到一件事  完美
Leroy! What are you doing?! Please don't do it. 勒罗伊 你在干什么  别这样