
 How does that prove anything? 这能证明什么

Look. August, I'm looking. 看 奥古斯特  我在看
You don't see it, do you? See what? 你看不到 是吗 看见什么
Your denial is more powerful than I thought. It's preventing you from seeing the truth. 你的排斥比我想象的还要强大 让你无法看见真相
Okay, one of us is losing it here, and it's not me. 我们有一个人失控了  而且不是我
You don't want to believe. 你不想相信
After everything you've seen, why can't you just do it? 看了这么多之后  为什么你就是做不到
Why is it so important to you that I do? 我相信为什么对你那么重要
Because I, the town everyone needs you. 因为我  童话镇  每个人都需要你
I don't want them to need me. 我不想他们需要我
Well, that's too bad, because we all do. 那太糟了  因为我们都需要你
You're saying that I am responsible for everyone's happiness? That is crap! 你是说我要对每个人的幸福负责吗  胡扯
I didn't ask for that! I don't want it! Right now. 这不是我要的  我不想这样 只是现在不想
A little while ago, you didn't want Henry either, but then he came to you, and now you are fighting like hell for him. 不久前  你也不想要亨利 但是随后他就找到了你 现在你为了他不顾一切
For him! Because that is all I can handle right now. And I'm not even doing a good job at that! 为了他  因为那是现在我唯一能应付的 而我居然连这个都做不好
Now you're telling me I have to save everyone? That is beyond ridiculous. I don't want any of it. 现在你告诉我说我得拯救所有人 荒谬得不能再荒谬了  我一点都不想要
Well, that's too bad, Emma, because that doesn't change the truth. 那太糟了 艾玛 因为那也改变不了事实
You are our only hope.  你是我们唯一的希望