
 She'll have that boy over my dead body. 我死都不会让她得逞的

The curse was meant to take away Snow White and Prince Charming's happiness. 诅咒的目的是夺走白雪公主和白马王子的幸福
Perhaps you giving up Henry is just the price to keep the curse unbroken. 也许你放弃亨利就是让诅咒牢不可破的代价
I think I'd rather just get rid of her. 我看还是除掉她比较好
You're gonna have to be quite creative. 那你得好好想想办法了
We both know the repercussions in killing Ms. Swan. 我们都清楚杀了斯旺女士会产生的影响
The curse will be broken. The curse will be broken. 咒语就会被打破  咒语就会被打破
That's because you designed it that way. Undo it. 因为你有意设计成这样 撤销这个设计
You know... Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. 要知道...即使我想 也做不到
Magic... is in short supply around here and dwindling by the minute. 在这里...魔法资源紧张 每时每刻都在减弱
You want the curse broken. Why? 你就想让这咒语被打破 为什么
That's not something I care to discuss.  我不想去讨论这个问题
Don't bother. You can shove your reasons. I want to strike a new deal. 不必了 你的原因去死吧 我想定笔新交易
One where I can get rid of Emma without shattering the curse. 让我既可以摆脱艾玛又不用打破咒语
Unfortunately for you, a negotiation requires two interested parties, and I'm already planning a trip. 不幸的是 想谈协议得双方都感兴趣 而我正在计划出行