
 David, why are you here? 戴维 你来这里干什么

Because Kathryn put a down payment on an apartment in Boston. 因为凯思琳为波士顿的一间公寓付了首付
She's not gonna use it, but I am. 她不会去住了 但我用得着
Unless you give me a reason to stay. 除非你给我一个留下的理由
David. I can't. 戴维 我给不了你
Behold. The most powerful magic of all...True love. 你瞧 世上最强大的魔力就是真爱
Ah! Careful. This is all I have left of it. 小心点 我仅剩这些了
What do you know of true love? 你怎么会了解真爱
Well, not so much as you, perhaps, but not so little as you might think. 可能不如你了解 但不像你想的那样全不了解
You? You loved someone? 你 你爱过
It was a brief flicker of light amidst an ocean of darkness. 就像无尽黑暗中转瞬即逝的摇曳亮光
What happened? She died. 发生了什么事 她死了
That's the thing about true love, dearie. It can slip through your fingers. 亲爱的 那才是真爱的真谛 它会从你的指缝中溜走
It's the most powerful magic in the world, the only magic powerful enough to break any curse. 它有世上最强大的魔力 是足以破除任何诅咒的唯一魔法
It must be protected at all costs. 不惜一切代价都要保护它
I don't understand. 我不明白