打工姐妹花第二季 第215期:生意有起色(在线收听

 It's crazy how many hipsters came into our shop today from our new flyers. 我们的新传单发出去后,今天来店里光顾的嬉皮士超级多。

We ran completely out of all the Butterfinger Buttafuocos, 而且店里所有的花生巧克力小蛋糕"巴特福奥克"
the Joeys, and even the Mary Jos, which I did not think would sell. "乔伊"版"以及我本来以为卖不掉的"玛丽·乔"版,都统统卖光了呢
I reworked the smashed Nancy Kerrigans and called it the Mary Jo. 我把"南茜·克里根"重弄了一下,然后改叫它"玛丽·乔"。
Girls, I'm so happy for you. 姑娘们,我真替你们开心。
You know, I remember when my business first started to take off. 我还记得我生意刚开始蒸蒸日上那会。
The first thing I did was to buy the little village that I grew up in and then burn it to the ground! 我第一件事就是把我长大的那小村子给买了下来,然后一把火把它烧成灰烬!
I was just so angry they wouldn't let me be a cheerleader. 我恨死他们当年不让我加入拉拉队了。
No, baby, that was the movie Carrie. 宝贝,那是电影《卡丽》的情节啦。
You fell asleep watching it last night. 你昨晚看的时候睡着了。
Oh. Yeah, I gotta stop watching movies late at night. 我以后不深夜看电影了。
Once, for a whole year, I thought I framed Roger Rabbit. 我因为这样,有一年,我以为是我陷害的兔子罗杰呢。