
For These Students, Learning Is a Laughing Matter

Good evening, John Hopkins.It’s stand-up comedy night at Johns Hopkins University.First of all, I want to thank my parents for not showing up tonight.Yeah. They claimed they would be here for every man that made them proud.I guess we all know the answer to that question.The stand-up students might be a little nervous at the beginning of their set, but the experience is invigorating.Their jokes bring lots of laughter to usually busy, often stressed-out students.Comedy, as club member Ariella Shua says a serious work. We workshop it. So we go through it. Whoever’s reading will read all of their material and then we’ll go joke by joke and say what works and what doesn’t. It starts as an individual project for yourself and then it becomes like a group effort. Writing jokes is really fun. It takes a lot of critical thinking, you know. It’s like...it’s like a process when you get from like this doesn’t work and this works.


Since joining last year, I’ve started carrying a notebook around with me. And whenever I just have a thought in my head that seems like, oh like this is strange or I see something,or I overhear someone saying something really funny like in the library or something, I just write it down. Sophomore Harry Kuperstein says the club is a natural fit for his funny personality and stand-up helps him work on the skills he’ll need in the future as a neurosurgeon. Elements of say talking to patients as a doctor and I think that being able to script things or just have jokes like ready to go might help kind of smooth in those interactions or make you a better public speaker.


Since joining the club last year, computer science major Alex Hector Gomez has developed his own style of comedy. Not always tell the truth. Sometimes it’s just funnier to go up with your imagination which you can kind of like get stuck not doing if you just follow like what actually happened,also maybe don’t always go with your first idea.Despite the workshops and rewriting and run-throughs, some ideas just aren’t funny. And just because the club members are students performing for their fellow students, Benjamin Monteagudo says that doesn’t mean the audience cuts them any slack. If you were performing very bad on stage, you throw tomatoes at them. So what if we make that, the whole concept of the show where we just let the audience throw tomatoes at us,so we spent our entire budget last year on a big box of foam tomatoes. So in addition to practicing stand-up, club members get lots of practice dealing with comedy critics.

