
 Hey. Those are for you. 这些是给你的

Butter creams. 奶油乳酪
They're your favorite, right? 你的最爱  是吧
Yeah, they were... when I was, like, seven. 算是吧  我7岁时的最爱
Thanks, daddy. 谢了  老爸
So, you finally spoke to Wren? 那你后来找任谈了吗
No, but I spoke with Mr. Sheldrake. 没有  不过我和谢瑞克先生谈过了
You didn't really think you were gonna be able 你不会真的以为你能
to keep this essay secret, did you? 守住论文这个秘密吧
Spencer, this is a coup for you. 斯宾塞  这真是招妙计啊
I mean, if the Ivies weren't onto you already, 如果常春藤学校原先还不打算录取你
they are now. 现在一定会了
I'm seeing a cage match between Harvard and Yale. 我能预见哈佛和耶鲁要为你展开争夺战了
Dad, it's really not that big of a deal. 爸爸  其实没什么啦
Oh, now you tell me. 难道不是吗
Your mother's already taken out a full-page ad 你妈妈都要在俱乐部的布告栏上
in the club newsletter. 张贴喜报了
I'm kidding. Come on. 开玩笑的  快吃吧
Have a butter cream. 奶油乳酪
I'm proud of you, Spence. 我为你骄傲  斯宾塞
At least let me brag about you tomorrow. 不过至少明天还是让我夸夸你吧
What's tomorrow? 明天有什么事
I'm taking Russell Newhoff to the club. 明天我会带罗素·纽霍夫去俱乐部
He's a potential new client. 他是一个潜在顾客
You up for playing doubles if he brings his daughter along? 如果他带他女儿来  你准备好双打了吗
Sure! Hey, you want to volley with me? 没问题  对了  想和我打排球吗
Oh, I'd love to, but... 我也想  不过
I have a bunch of calls to return, 我还有很多电话要回
And a prize-winning essay to read. 还要读一篇获奖论文
Don't forget to put it on my desk, okay? 记得放到我桌子上  好吗
Oh, dad, I...you don't have to read this one. 老爸  你不必读的
It's really not one of my best. 这不是我最好的一篇
Somebody sure thought it was. 但有人肯定这么认为
They don't give these awards to people who don't deserve them. 他们不会把奖颁给没实力的人