
 My notebook. 我的笔记本

Oh, jeez. 我的天
I totally need more sleep. 我真是没睡醒
Or more coffee. 多喝点咖啡吧
Wanna meet up at the grill later? 待会在栅格咖啡店见吗
Sure. 好
And in an instant, her life was undone. 刹那间  她的生命不再完整
Everything she'd known disappeared, 她的记忆逐渐消散
Drifting into the summer sky. 弥漫在盛夏的灿烂千阳里
Thank you. 谢谢
He doesn't suck, huh? 他读得还不赖吧
You know this guy? 你认识他吗
Yeah. He's my English teacher. 他是我的英语老师
Oh, very cool. Me and him go way back. 酷毙了  我和他老交情了
We used to sleep together. 我们以前睡在一起
Bunk beds! College. 在大学里的时候  双层床
Do you have a name, fangirl? 你叫什么名字  小粉丝
Oh, Aria. Hardy. 艾瑞亚   哈迪
What the hell are you doing here? 什么风把你吹来了
Well, I thought I'd get some face time 我觉得有必要会会
with the president of your fan club, apparently. 你书迷俱乐部的主席  显然的嘛
You two know each other? 你俩认识吗
Yeah, well, not as well as you two know each other. 是啊  但没有你和他熟
I, uh, I heard about the bunk beds. 我听说上下铺的事了
We just met, but I'm glad I sat next to her. 我们刚认识  幸好她坐我旁边
She kept kicking me so I wouldn't snore. 不停地踢我  我才没打鼾
No, no, no, seriously, 不不  老实说
how did you know about this? 你怎么听说的这场故事朗诵会
I don't live in a cave. 我又不是山顶洞人
I saw it on the website, 我在网站上看到的
thought it was my duty to come heckle you. 觉得有责任来刁难你一下
I think I should be in a cave. 我才该进山顶洞里躲一下
Was it really that bad? 真有那么糟糕吗
No, it was beautiful. 不  文笔美极了
And that metaphor at the end? 尤其结尾的那个隐喻
That was a metaphor? 那是个隐喻吗
I thought it was really about a kid who lost her balloon. 我以为就是单纯描写一个丢气球的小孩呢
You also thought "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" was Mexican porn. 你还当《飞天万能车》是墨西哥AV呢
That's true. 那是真的
Books aren't his thing, you know? 他跟书无缘
He used to pay me in frozen burritos to write his papers. 他曾用冰冻卷饼贿赂我帮他写论文
You know what'd be great is if you told this same lame story 要是我手里拿杯啤酒听你讲过去的糗事
while I had a beer in my hand. 就再好不过了