
97-Year-Old Veteran Parachutes Over Normandy as Part of D-Day Ceremonies

In the skies above Normandy Wednesday from a World War Two D-cote plane, 97 year old Tom Rice repeated the jump he made on the morning of D-Day.Beautiful job, beautiful flight, everything was perfect.


On June 6th 1944 Rice was a 22 year old staff sergeant with a hundred and first Airborne Division.Over 13,000 paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines. 75 years later Rice recalled the chaos of that day.We were spread over so many miles. It took a week and a half to get together.More than 1300 current US servicemen and women are in Normandy to commemorate D-Day alongside close to 1,000 military personnel from Europe and Canada.


Bringing together at night the might of our allies and partners are what make us strong and I think that’s what carried the day for us in the victory 75 years ago.And and I would add it’s still preserved the peace that presence and that Alliance still preserves the peace to this day. The U.S. 4th Infantry Division landed 21,000 troops at Utah Beach on D-Day. William Miller was among them. And young people today don’t know I never about what really happened.


Current members of the 4th Infantry Division marched from Utah Beach to Sant Marie du Mont, the first village liberated by US troops. It’s just the respect that you get. Being American here in northern Franceis absolutely amazing, it’s not what I expected.The Stars and Stripes flag is everywhere.Sant Marie du Mont like villages across Normandy has been turned into a replica of wartime France.


Enthusiasts have converged to show off their vintage dress and vehicles of every description.A former hospice in the village is a temporary home for several World War Two veterans who seem sometimes overwhelmed by the attention they receive from residents and tourists. I mean the greatest generation leaving us, so the opportunity to meet them and for our kids to understand, what is about is so important. Further east at Omaha Beach Wednesday, the 75th Ranger Regiment recreated the famous Pointe Du Hoc when more than 500 Rangers scaled the cliffs under intense fire to take on the German defenses.

狂热者们聚集在一起,炫耀他们的复古礼服和各式各样的汽车。村子里的一家前临终关怀院是几名二战老兵的临时住所,他们有时似乎被当地居民和游客的关注淹没了。我认为这是留给我们的最伟大的一代,所以有机会认识他们,让我们的孩子了解他们,很重要。周三,在奥马哈海滩以东,第七十五游骑兵团重现了著名的Pointe Du Hoc 攀爬,当时五百多名突击队员冒着猛烈的炮火爬上悬崖,向德军的防御工事发起进攻。

As the number of D-Day veterans dwindles, soldiers and civilians here say they are determined to keep alive the memory of the horror and Sacrifice.Their forebears endured 75 years ago.

