2019年经济学人 河南东北缘何总遭地域黑(2)(在线收听


People from Henan and the north-eastern provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning are among those most commonly targeted, partly because those areas are such big sources of migrants. Henan is a farming province of about 100m people. The latest census, in 2010, showed that 7.5% of Henanese were living outside their home province, the second-highest proportion of any province. The highest was Anhui, on Henan’s eastern border.


Even among better-educated urban residents, north-easterners are often stereotyped as quarrelsome and pugnacious, and Henanese are commonly regarded as thieves and cheats. In Chinese television comedy, actors playing criminals often speak with a Henan accent. The “Spring Festival Gala” of 2017, the most-watched show of the year, included such a sketch. Some regional stereotypes are harboured only by people from a particular area. In a book published in 2015, Agnieszka Joniak- Luthi of the University of Zurich says that Shanghai residents sometimes describe people from northern Jiangsu, a province that borders on the city, as “boorish” and “unkind”. However, people from that region are not so despised in Beijing. Those from Anhui are also often scorned in Shanghai, but not so much elsewhere.

即使在受过良好教育的城市居民中,东北人也常常被认为是好争吵、好斗的,而河南人通常被视为小偷和骗子。在中国的电视喜剧中,扮演罪犯的演员常常带有河南口音。有些地区的刻板印象只存在于某一特定地区的人身上。在2015年出版的一本书中,苏黎世大学的阿格涅斯卡·琼尼可·卢斯说,上海居民有时形容来自江苏北部的人“粗野”和“不友善”。 然而,在北京,来自江苏北部的人并不是那么遭人鄙视。安徽人在上海也经常遭到嘲笑,但在其他地方就没那么多了。
