2019年经济学人 阿拉巴马州的大新闻:堕胎法案(2)(在线收听


Because the bill defines a fetus as “a human being…regardless of viability” its sponsors resisted attempts, by Republican as well as Democratic senators, to allow exceptions in cases of rape or incest.


The law will be struck down in the courts, just as heartbeat bills have been elsewhere, most recently in Kentucky and Iowa. Similar laws passed earlier this year Mississippi and in Georgia will meet the same fate, as will several more making their way through state legislatures if they become law. That is the purpose of extreme abortion laws—to prompt legal cases in the hope that one might come before the new conservative majority at the Supreme Court, which will use it to overturn Roe.


Until recently anti-abortionists were engaged in a stealthier battle. Rather than challenging Roe directly they chiselled away, introducing state-level regulations so burdensome that clinics were forced to close. As social conservatives retreated in the culture war over gay marriage, they advanced over abortion. Between 2011 and 2017, more than 400 abortion restrictions were introduced across America—more than a third of the total since 1973, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Eight states have only one abortion clinic left.


Mr Trump’s appointment of two conservative Supreme Court justices has emboldened some pro-lifers to adopt a more aggressive strategy. Their hopes of directly overturning Roe were boosted on May 13th when the justices voted 5-4 along ideological lines to overturn a 40-year-old precedent in a case unrelated to abortion.

特朗普任命了两名保守派最高法院法官,这让一些反堕胎者鼓起勇气,采取了更激进的策略。 5月13日,法官们以5票赞成、4票反对的投票结果从意识形态的角度推翻了一项已有40年历史的与堕胎无关的判例。这让反堕胎者对于直接推翻罗伊案件判决结果的希望更加强烈。
