2019年经济学人 一周要闻 美朝关系缓和 法国高温致学校停课 英外交大臣角逐首相(在线收听


The world this week




Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was humiliated by voters, as his attempt to reverse the mayoral election in Istanbul, which his party had lost, backfired spectacularly. At his behest, the electoral board ordered a re-run, but this week the opposition challenger, Ekrem Imamoglu, won by a much larger margin than in March: 54% to 45%.

土耳其总统埃尔多安遭到选民羞辱,因为他试图逆转其所在政党在伊斯坦布尔市长选举中失利的形势,结果事与愿违,令人震惊。在他的要求下,选举委员会下令重新选举,但本周,反对派挑战者埃克莱姆·伊玛莫格鲁(Ekrem Imamoglu)以54%对45%的优势胜出,远远超过其3月份获得的票数。

After three weeks of talks that followed an election, Denmark’s Social Democrats won the backing of smaller parties on the left to form a minority government headed by Mette Frederiksen as prime minister. The smaller parties agreed to support Ms Frederiksen only after she promised to water down the hard-line policies on immigration that her party had touted during the election.

在选举结束后进行的三周谈判后,丹麦社会民主党赢得了左翼较小党派的支持,组成了由梅特·弗雷德里克森(Mette Frederiksen)担任总理的少数党政府。弗雷德里克森只有承诺淡化该党于选举期间宣扬的强硬移民政策后,较小党派才会同意支持她。

Ukraine responded angrily to the decision of the Council of Europe, which is separate from the EU, to restore Russia’s voting rights. But supporters of the move said this would ensure that Russian citizens could lodge claims against their government at the European Court of Human Rights, a body of the council.


Dozens of schools were closed in France; temperatures there and other European countries have soared above 40°C.


Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt emerged as the final two in the race to lead Britain’s Conservative Party and thus become prime minister. Mr Johnson is the favourite, but his bumbling style seems odd at a time of crisis. In an effort to revive his stumbling campaign he declared that Britain must leave the EU on October 31st, “do or die”. That went down well with Tory party members.

鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)和杰里米·亨特(Jeremy Hunt)两人角逐英国保守党党魁,并竞争英国首相职位。约翰逊先生是最受欢迎的,但在危机时刻,他笨拙的风格似乎有些怪异。为了重振他并不平坦的竞选之路,他宣布英国必须于10月31日脱离欧盟,“要么脱,要么死”。这一立场很受保守党成员欢迎。

North Korean media reported that the country’s dictator, Kim Jong Un, had received an “excellent” letter from Donald Trump. In mid-June Mr Trump said that he had received a “beautiful” letter from Mr Kim. The exchange suggests that talks between the pair on nuclear disarmament are making progress again.


The Australian Broadcasting Corporation said it would petition the courts to void a warrant that authorised the Australian police to raid its offices and seize documents related to a report it published in 2017 about abuses by Australian special forces in Afghanistan.


A shaky start


Jared Kushner unveiled the first half of the White House’s peace plan for Israel and Palestine. It proposes $50bn worth of investment in Palestine and neighbouring countries, but offers no solutions to the underlying conflict (those are expected later). Neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians attended a conference in Bahrain showcasing the plan.

贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)公布了白宫对以色列和巴勒斯坦和平计划的前半部分。该计划提议向巴勒斯坦及其邻国投资500亿美元,但没有提出解决潜在冲突的方案(预计方案稍后将出台)。以色列和巴勒斯坦均未出席在巴林举行的展示该和平计划的会议。
