2019年经济学人 羊角号女能人珍妮·利特瓦克(1)(在线收听


Call of the ages


Jennie Litvack, high mistress of the shofar, died on June 27th, aged 55


The call came, appropriately enough, while she was walking through the Old City of Jerusalem, her husband said. They had stopped at a small shop near the Roman Cardo. By the door stood a barrel of shofars. Not regular ram's horn shofars, but the long curved Yemeni instruments made from the horn of the greaterkudu, an African antelope. She blew each one in turn. What emerged was a deep throaty musical summons that almost quivered, casting those who heard it back to one of the most significant moments in Judaism when God stopped Abraham from sacrificinghis own son and ordered him to kill a ram instead. In the street a crowd began to gather.


They had never heard such a sound before. And then, somewhere in the barrel, she found it—the shofar that produced the perfect deep baritone, the primal call she'd long dreamed of but never made. When she blew it, the crowd fell silent. Shopkeepers, tourists, old men pushing carts: they all stopped. They knew this one was different. And so was born a new ba'alat tokeah, a high mistress of the horn. It helped, of course, that she had played the trumpet since she was a child. At 14 she went up to Dizzy Gillespie after a concert at the Rising Sun jazz club in her native Montreal, and asked if she could have a go on his instrument—and a lesson. The next morning her mother dropped her at his hotel and waited patiently in the car outside.

