2019年经济学人 一周要闻 韩国炮轰俄军机 李鹏同志逝世 委内瑞拉断电(在线收听


Robert Mueller gave eagerly awaited testimony to America’s Congress at a public hearing. The man who investigated links between Donald Trump’s election campaign and Russian officials did not stray far from the findings of his report, published in April, but he rejected the president’s claim that it completely exonerated him.

罗伯特·米勒(Robert Mueller)在公众听证会上向美国国会发表了人们热切期待的证词。这位调查特朗普竞选团队与俄罗斯官员关系的人,没有偏离他在4月份发表的报告的调查结果,但他否认了总统认为该报告完全证明其无罪的言论。

The Senate confirmed Mark Esper as America’s new defence secretary, following the derailment of Patrick Shanahan’s nomination last month. Mr Esper received broad bipartisan support in the Senate, though a smattering of Democrats raised concerns about his former job as a lobbyist for a weapons company.

继上月帕特里克·沙纳汉的提名被取消后,参议院确认马克·埃斯珀(Mark Esper)为美国新任国防部长。埃斯珀在参议院获得了广泛的两党支持,尽管少数民主党人对他此前在一家武器公司担任说客的工作表示担忧。

A resolution opposing an attempt to boycott Israel picked up huge Democratic support and passed the House of Representatives by 398 to 17. That marked a stinging defeat for the movement to boycott Israel, advanced by newly elected progressives.


Ricardo Rosselló became the first governor of Puerto Rico to resign, after two weeks of ever-larger protests triggered by the leak of sexist, homophobic and violent text messages that he exchanged with government officials. One of the offending texts mocked victims of Hurricane Maria, making reference to cadavers and crows.

里卡多·罗塞略(Ricardo Rossello)成为波多黎各首位辞职的州长。此前两周,他与政府官员有关性别歧视、恐同和暴力的短信泄露,引发了规模越来越大的抗议活动。其中一条冒犯性的短信甚至嘲笑飓风“玛利亚”的受害者,提到了尸体和乌鸦。

Warning shots


South Korea accused Russian aircraft of violating its airspace during a joint military exercise with China. The alleged incursion happened near disputed islands in the Sea of Japan, which are claimed by both Japan and South Korea. Russia denied the incursion.


Pakistan’s prime minister, Imran Khan, visited the White House. Donald Trump boasted that he could wipe out Afghanistan, an American ally, and, to India’s horror, offered to mediate in the long-standing dispute over Kashmir.


Li Peng, a former prime minister of China, died aged 90.


Japan’s ruling Liberal Democrats won a majority of seats in the upper house of parliament at an election, but failed to secure the supermajority required to change the country’s pacifist constitution, a long-held goal of Shinzo Abe, the prime minister.


A Venezuelan fighter jet “aggressively shadowed” an American navy reconnaissance plane over the Caribbean Sea, according to Southern Command, which runs American military operations in Latin America. Venezuela claimed the navy plane had strayed into its airspace.


The power went off again in 16 of Venezuela’s 23 states. In the capital, Caracas, the blackout caused huge traffic jams. The government blamed an “electromagnetic attack”.


Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, chose Marcelo Xavier da Silva, a federal police officer, to lead the government’s Indian affairs department, Funai. Indigenous groups criticised the appointment. As Funai’s ombudsman in 2017 Mr da Silva had asked the police to take “persecutory measures” against activists. Separately, Mr Bolsonaro said he would review data on the deforestation of the Amazon before their release, because the figures could hurt Brazil’s image.

总统雅伊尔·博尔索纳罗任命联邦警察达席尔瓦(Marcelo Xavier da Silva)领导巴西印第安人事务部Funai。土著团体批评这项任命。作为Funai在2017年的监察员,达席尔瓦曾要求警方对活动人士采取“迫害措施”。另外,博尔索纳罗表示,他将在亚马逊森林砍伐数据发布前对其进行审查,因为这些数据可能会损害巴西的形象。
