2019年经济学人 镜头和现实(1)(在线收听


Books & arts


Cinema and reality


The director’s cut


A bold Ukrainian film-maker charts the line between fiction and truth


In the opening scene of “Donbass”, the latest feature film by Sergei Loznitsa, a hotch-potch group of extras gather in a makeup trailer. The shaky footage follows them as they are escorted to the site of a staged mortar attack in Russian-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine. There, for the benefit of a separatist news crew, they bemoan the depredations of the Ukrainian army. In the film, the explosion is a stunt, but the damage is genuine— much like the real-life conflict.


With its vertiginous spiral of fakery, the invented but plausible scene captures the essence of Russia’s hybrid onslaught against Ukraine. After the revolution of 2013-14 Kremlin-controlled television stations spewed poisonous lies into the disaffected, Russian-speaking Donbass; next, militants and army units rolled in to “defend” the region from phantom Ukrainian fascists. Like a mirror, Mr Loznitsa’s film reflects and inverts that process, using fiction to expose the wounds inflicted by the annihilation of truth. Not surprisingly, “Donbass” has been banned in Russia.


The boundary between reality and lies, fiction and history, is one of the world’s most contested borders. It runs squarely through the propaganda-warped badlands of eastern Ukraine—and through Mr Loznitsa’s powerful oeuvre. In both his feature films and documentaries, his aim is the opposite of the propagandists’: to present the essential truth of what happened, and—an even harder task—diligently to make clear what did not happen, too.

