
Worth of a Girl: VOA Looks at Devastating Effects of Child Marriage

Eleven-year-old Bubboguy went from selling firewood and paper to becoming a wife, so she could settle her mother’s debt.


I was crying. I wanted someone to help but we had no choice. The lenders were pressing hard.


More than twelve million underage girls like her get married every year according to UNICEF.


I had not begun menstruating when I married.I started in my husband’s house.


Some girls entering into early marriages are under pressure to continue cultural traditions.Others say they had limited options.


I married my daughter off because we had no place to live.Where could I keep her?If I was in a house with her, if I had my own house like now, of course I would have sent her to school.She would not have needed to marry at eleven twelve or thirteen.She could have been educated, found a job or learned a trade.


Early marriages happen across societies in the U.S.Most states permit marriage before eighteen if the individuals meet certain criteria.However, critics say many of these marriages take place to circumvent statutory rape laws that protect minors.


I met him about when I was like 13, 14, so one thing after another, after a few years we just kind of ended up together.I got pregnant underage and that was kind of what…how does go ahead and get married, so I wouldn’t send him to jail.


The young wives are more likely to leave school, experience domestic abuse and live in poverty, compared to those who marry later according to human rights activists.


I lost my childhood.I loved school and going to school.But they wouldn’t let me.


As governments face international pressure to take action, individuals and groups are stepping forward to help young girls.


The night before the wedding, a local official came to our house to ask whether I wanted to marry.When I said no, he halted the ceremony.


Sultan Tumandar found joy in her married life despite being forced into the union.


I had never met my husband. I didn’t know him.With time we got to know each other.I’m very happy now, thank goodness.


But the case was different from many of the child brides VOA met over the course of this project.


Now divorced or deserted, they are angry at losing their education.


I think if I had only continued my studies, I would not have to experience so much harassment from other people, now I could have found a good job.


Now mothers themselves they say they regret their stolen childhoods and add they never want to see their children married young.


I am now fighting for my children, so they don’t end up like me.Someone has to fight for them.


The United Nations is trying to eliminate the practice by 2030.

