美国小学英语教材5:第206课 童子军如何生火(2)(在线收听

“Are you going to build your fire there, sir?”


“Why, yes,’’ Mr.Grayson replied, “I guess it’ll burn here.”


“That’s the trouble,” the Scout came back with a quick flash; “it will burn too well.


Where you have it in those pine needles, it’s going to set fire to them and maybe to your camp.


Of course, I wouldn’t like that, but worse for us around here, it will set fire to the big forest.


You see, I live just outside of the forest, and—”


“Has anything like that ever happened in this forest?” Mr.Grayson broke in.


“Yes, sir.


Just last summer we had an awful fire that started from a campfire.


A man built a big fire, the wind came up, and before the man and his wife could put it out, it had burned their tent and all their camp outfit.


“Another fire that a camper left burned into the forest and grew to be so big that it burned several ranch houses, and the people just got away in time.


Another time— ”


Impressed by the boy’s earnestness, Mr.Grayson interrupted him.


“I’m new at this camping game, sonny, and I certainly do not want my fire to harm this wonderful forest.


Will you tell me just how I can make a safe fire?”

